Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Three weeks down!!!

Yea, so this whole deployment thing? Bites the big one it does. The last couple of days have been really bad at work, and normally my saint of a husband makes it all better by listening to me complain for an hour. But no more. Well not for a really long time anyways. But believe it or not, it's starting to go by kind of fast. Yay! I have a donut of misery app on my phone that for what felt like the longest time was just a tiny sliver of green in my rather large red donut. But not anymore! I have a wedge!!! Hehe that sounds dirty. At least we get to message each other on facebook every couple of days. Oh the joys of technology. I don't know how my mother survived deployment without facebook and skype. And cell phones!!! Anyway, not a really long post, but a post nonetheless. I'm going to go watch Harry Potter 7 again. BTW, best movie int he universe! But I will leave you with this.....

That's my big sexy third from the left! Afghanistan looks like a happy place doesn't it? :) I miss him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Well we're off to a good start! :(

So Darren called this morning at two, and I missed it. I was sleeping, and for some reason didn't hear my phone ring. I'm soo upset. I have no idea when he will be able to call me again. Needlessly to say, I cried all morning. I no joke went to bed at one. I missed his call by one hour!!! But he is able to facebook me, so that makes it a little more bearable. Ugh, keep your fingers crossed he will call again soon...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crap I forgot this...

DARREN CALLED ME TODAY!!!!!! From Kyrzchkstan, Kirzakstan, Kyrzakstan, well one of those stans. It was sooooo weird because it was 7 in the morning TOMORROW there! It was only 6 here in Cali (April 2nd). Ugh this is going to confuse me oh so much. But I don't care, he called me! He's not in Afghanistan (I got that one right!) yet, but I think he will be soon. I didn't expect him to already be at that place I can't spell. I thought it was going to be at least another week or so, since they had to go through Ramstein. Keep him in your prayers!!
Ok now I'm really done blogging.

Day 2...

I can't really say that it is starting to get any easier. It's only two days into the deployment, and I know the hard part is going to be after a month. Because after that, I know that he's not coming home from a routine field op. But a bit of good news.......I got to see him! Well, not in person or anything, but there's this group of amazing people in Maine that greet planes full of troops deploying. They take pictures of each service member disembarking, and then a close up head shot. And they got my baby!!! You can see him here. They are such a blessing!
I downloaded this app on my Droid today called the Donut of Misery (how fitting), and it's a little red pie chart that turns green the closer you get to homecoming. And I have a tiny sliver of green on my donut! I am officially 24 hours (1440 minutes, or 86400 seconds) into this blasted deployment! This app is my godsend. It has all these stats that show you the days, minutes, and seconds you've gone or until he comes home! Although I get all excited until I see the come home date. Which just so happens to be 19612800 seconds, or 227 days to go. Boo.

Afghanistan or bust?

Darren left today. I'm not sure what it is normal to feel, but I'm numb. Not too sad, a little bit in denial, and a lot numb. I didn't even get to have a good goodbye. They fell into formation, and fell out of formation to get on the bus. No time for hugs or kisses, nothing. I guess I'm a little resentful for that. I sound selfish, but I think he deserved a good goodbye just as much as I did. It was completely surreal. Like I was watching it from a distance. I don't know what to do with myself. All day, I've slept, cried, or stared into nothing. I feel like a zombie, and I gotta tell you, I don't like it. I keep expecting him to call me and tell me that he is ready to be picked up from work. This post is making it sound like he's dead. Now don't get me wrong, I am more proud of what my husband is doing than anyone. I cheese everytime someone thanks him for his service. I just miss him more than I could possibly say. And I wanted to  make some friends to help make the deployment a little easier, but the spouse potluck that our dipshit FRO put on is at noon. Am I the only one that works in the battallion? It's not just the potluck either. Every single event that this woman has put on has been at ten in the morning, or noon, or three, or five. Well Marines get off at 1730 or 1800, so seeing as how most of the wives work with Marines, you would think she would work on a schedule that benefits everyone. Haha what a joke. Well this has turned into a rant, and on that note, I am going to go back to what I do best, which is cry some more.
Horrible picture of me, but it was 0400 in the morning.