Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wow....could 29 Palms get any worse???

Oh dear......lots and lots has happened the last couple of weeks. I've been super stressed, and I'm trying to figure everything out. This is the oh-so-fun rundown:

The pre-deployment brief was tonight. It was long; it was drawn out; but it was worth going. I got a lot of great information. Darren hated it and pouted through the whole thing.

I changed our move-in date for base-housing from April 1st to ASAP. I can't live with these creatures that the landlord says is normal for seven months. Hell no. I'm hoping and praying that this all happens beofre Darren deploys, because after that, his orders are no longer valid to break the lease. a.k.a no bueno.

The day before yesterday, I was a car accident. No, let me rephrase, my SECOND car accident in less than three months. I was waiting in line to get into the front gate of the base, AT A DEAD STOP, and this stupid ass, useless, piece of shit boot Marine slams into me going forty MPH. To put it bluntly, he ended up UNDERNEATH my car, he hit me so hard. My bumper is pretty much gone, and to top it all off, this douchebag doesn't have insurance. But by the grace of God, my husband is really good at doing bodywork, so he can fix the bumper enough to make it look like nothing happened. I'm sore, but I wasn't hurt, and Darren wasn't either. FYI - the last accident involved a douchebag Master Sergeant that T-boned me. FYI again - my car is only four months old.

Yesterday, my grandfather died. He had Parkinson's disease for the last fifteen years of his life, and severe dementia for the last two, so it was kind of a blessing. I miss him dearly, and until the day I die, he will be the smartest man I ever knew. He's with my granny now, so he got everything he ever wanted.

I found a job opening for an audit clerk within MCCS. It's a two dollar an hour paycut, but I would be away from Satan, so I will be much happier than I am now. I just pray that I get it.

We almost have Poineer military loans paid off! Thanks to my very generous refund from the federal and California government. At least they got THAT part right. We are finally on our way. (As long as I don't keep getting in accidents with Marines. Or their wives. Or children.)

Two days until we go home! From everything above, it's painfully obvious that we need a vacation from this place. I feel like nothing has gone right, and I'm just hoping that everything starts to get better. I don't know how many more setbacks I can handle. Or poor Darren for that matter. Everytime something goes wrong, I seem to take out my stress on him. I feel horrible for that by the way.

How much longer until we get out of here??? Oh yea - two years. Hoorah Marine Corps I guess.


  1. My hubby was stationed in 29 palms for a bit, luckily I didn't go because it was for his training BUT I wish you the best of luck. I see you are from Florida, and moving to a desert YIKES I can only imagine how much you dislike it. But keep your head up & hopefully NO more car accidents for you! We are stationed in San Diego, and I'm very blessed for that because I love it. The only problem I have is trying to make friends! lol


  2. Hello! My name is Nicole and I have come across your blog and love it! I was from Florida as well! Moving across country was horrible. I am in SoCal, but have visited 29 a lot. I understand what you mean about the horror of it all.

    I am so sorry about all the things that have happened, hope things are better now.
