Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It will all be worth it in the end...

School is literally sucking the life out of me right now.
And it's slow...
And it's painful...
And it's not really as bad as I make it sound.

I've just never taken online classes before, so I am having to teach myself how to get the motivation to budget my time wisely to stay on schedule. But I did homework for four hours yesterday, so I am finally back on schedule with my American History and Politics class. Now I just need to get up to date with Trig. Easier said than done, considering that I've always been a hands on learner when it comes to math, and I do much better when I'm in a classroom. But I love math, and I'm determined to get this stupid A.A. so I can finally get to work on my Bachelors.

When that day comes........I will be a totally new person. Well, sort of. Because right after I get my Bachelors, I'm starting on my Masters. Whew! I'm a career student! It doesn't matter though, I will finally be able to get a job with an engineering firm. It's just taking forever. Now granted, I am off schedule because I decided to enlist in the military, and when that didn't work out, I was six months behind schedule. And it also doesn't help that I had no idea what I wanted to do when I went into college, so I didn't take the necessary math and physics classes that I would have if I started college with a decision. So, after December, when I become human again when I graduate, all I need is Calc 1,2,and 3, and Physics 1,2,and 3. Darnit. But that's good, because I'll have my A.A., and be one step closer to University of California!

It's worth it when you get the end result.... isn't it?

Kylie "When-is-this-gonna-end?" Bolling

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Things I love and things I don't

Things I love:
  • My husband. This is cliche, I know, but I really do. He gives me pretty much anything I want, within reason. But I do the same for him. We work really well together.
  • Collecting Barbies. This is the child coming out in me, I guess. But I really don't think there's anything better than spending 50 bucks on a Barbie you can never play with. :) What can I say? I like dolls.
  • Reading. This is killing me right now. My favorite think in the world in curling up with a really good book on a really rainy day. But living in the desert, this plan is shot to hell. Oh well. I did however, see my first cloud since moving from Florida. But that was over a week ago. I'm having withdrawls again.
  • Stupid T.V. shows. Being unemployed and a student, there's only so much homework you can do at one time. With no car, the only option you have when you take a break is to watch t.v. I watch Seinfeld (I can see you cringing!)...a lot. Like it's all over my DVR.
  • Furniture. This might seem strange to some, but until you have absolutely nothing else except an ugly colored loveseat and a bed, you start to appreciate all of those people who have furniture. Its amazing how much you take advantage of things that seem so normal to you at one time.
  • Decorating! I have a secret fabulous interior designer inside of me, but the no-so-secret outside of me doesn't have the money to satisfy the inner designer. So I am forced to dream by way of HGTV. Which I also watch...a lot. My husband does not know this.
  • Food Network. See above. Same applies.
  • Vegas! There's something about all the tacky lights and even tackier people that I just love. Hopefully this does not reflect how tacky I can sometimes be.
  • My dog. He is the funniest thing in the world. No, seriously. Like even funnier than Seinfeld reruns. For those of you who don't like Seinfeld, insert something really funny here and replace. :)
Things I do not love:
  • This whole Twilight fever. Call me crazy, but I don't see the appeal of hormonal vampire and the desperado who loves him.
  • Justin Beiber. Now, don't laugh, but I do really like his songs. Just not so much him. He looks like he's seven, and he keeps getting caught tounging other celebritweens. Not sexy.
  • School, at the moment. I have a love/hate relationship with school. Right now its hate. Too much work, not enough time. (Now scold me about being on this blog instead of doing my homework)
  • My internet company. They lied to me about not being able to get broadband, so now I'm stuck with satellite internet that's super slow and costs 40 dollars more a month than broadband, because they won't let me out of my contract. Thanks Wildblue!
  • The desert. This place is seriously like The Hills Have Eyes come to life. I thought there were funny looking people in Florida! I don't even have to go to the flea market to see them here! (That one's for you Daddy!)
  • Living in the desert. Too dry, no rain, not fun.
  • The critters of the desert. Pretty much everything has more than four legs, which I do not like.
  • Pretty much everything about the desert.
  • Not living in Florida.
Are we seeing a pattern yet? Tootles!

Kylie "I-have-nothing-better-to-blog-about" Bolling

Friday, September 24, 2010

Being a military wife...

In a word, being a military wife (especially a Marine wife) is hard. I have been a military dependent for my entire life, so I'm used to the man in my life being away. But since my daddy retired, I have completely forgotten how hard it is to move to a city where you know no one, find a job, and start a new life. I have always had trouble making friends, because I'm incredibly shy. Because of this, I don't talk to anyone. Most people take this as me being a snob. This is not the case. I literally get the shakes and goosebumps just thinking about going to a party or something where I know no one. (This is no joke.) I am seriously attempting to get involved within the base atmosphere. I am going to volunteer for Marine Corps Community Services (although this is simply because I cannot find a job ANYWHERE), and I am going to give it my best shot to come out of this duty station with some friend-ish type people.

Now, always being a military daughter, and not a wife, I never really had any need to make friends with the people on base. I had friends at school, church, etc. But it's totally different being a wife. Now I know how my mom felt. THIS SUCKS!

But on a brighter note....

We're moving to base housing! Darren is turning in his application to the housing office tomorrow, and it's a two to five month wait, but just thinking of all the money we will be saving makes it all soooo worth it. Not only that, but I will be surrounded by other military wives! I'm not a whole lot like other girls, what with me being a boy in a girls body and all (can you hear me snickering as I write that?), but I really hope I can get along with SOME of these girls. I have only had a handful of female friends in my whole life, but I figure that me being friends with other Marines, or men in general, would not look very good to the wives around me. Boo. I can relate so much better to men than women. Ah well. I'll get through it. It will get better when I get a job, or get enrolled in the college out here once I get my degree from Florida. December baby!!! When I finally have that Associates Degree, it will make me feel that much closer to actually getting my Bachelors (which is still  years away). But yea, anyways, its 1230 here, and this whole borderline-insomnia thing is just not working for me. Ta Ta for now!

Kylie "Loser-with-no-friends" Bolling Teehee my mother is going to love that one.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's Official...

Darren and I had our first real fight. Like I'm talking slamming doors, yelling, crying (on my part), and not speaking for like 2 hours. It was pretty awful. Here's the background:
We can't really afford to live in the house that we live in. Between the rent, electricity, water, the new gas bill (that I was under the impression the landlord payed for), and the brand new loan that Darren completely forgot about for the past nine months that we now owe 160 bucks a month for, we don't have any extra money. And it doesn't help that we live like 20 miles away from base and we have only one car, so it's a thirty minute drive to and from base twice a day. A.K.A. it's a bunch of gas that we waste. Granted he makes 2800 a month, but our bills alone are almost 2000. That doesn't leave much fun money left over every month. So I proposed that we probably have to move into base housing temporarily just until we get on our feet.


He went ballistic. He doesn't want to live on base, he doesn't want to live anywhere near base, he doesn't like Marines, he doesn't like this, he doesn't like that. It went on for a while until I stopped talking and he walked away. Now, I love him more than pretty much anything, but I really can't stand that he is not willing to live like a normal Lance Corporal that's newly married, and just suck it up and live in base housing just temporarily. He has this really high standard of living that we just cannot do only being married for a month and a half. He expects to live the way his parents live, but I'm not sure he understands that it took his parents 25 years to get to where they're at. My parents are the same way. It took them a really long time to get to where they're at. We will get there eventually. But not right now. I'm not working yet (not by choice I might add), so all we have is his income. Both his parents and my parents had to live in base housing for a little while until they got their finances straight. They did it, and so do we.

So after we had both cooled down, we agreed that I would go by the housing office tomorrow, and fill out the paperwork to get into base housing. Not only can we save money and possibly get our bills paid off, but we can get furniture, and all of the things that we both want. Also, when he deploys in March, I can be surrounded by men and women who are in the exact same position that I will be in. Living where we do right now, I live in the middle of nowhere, with no one around, and no friends. It will be a lot easier on me when he deploys to be in base housing.

I love it when he agrees with me, even if it only took him a fight and three hours later.

Kylie "hoping-to-save-money" Bolling

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So Yeaaaaa...

Apparently one of the perks of getting married and having absolutely nothing to either of your names, is that you have no furniture either. At this point in our marriage, we officially have a bed, a couple of lawn chairs that my father graciously bought us because we had nothing to sit on, and a couple of outdoor end tables. The couch was bought secondhand from another Marine stationed at Twentynine Palms, and it's really comfortable, but it's a hideous color. Like maroon gone really bad. But me being the amazing decorator that I am (HA!) I bought a mocha colored couch cover from that is really cute. This will transform our otherwise-bare living room, I can feel it.

I really am jealous of those people who get married in their hometowns, and then settle down there, and then proceed to have like the last four generations of their families give them everything they need. I know if we lived in Fernandina, or Swansboro, that our families and their friends would give us everything. But we're not that lucky, so we're reduced to buying from thrift stores and But I have figured out that if you look hard enough and often enough, you can find really good stuff there! It really is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure (supposing that you have the funds to make it your treasure).

Well, we're off to find some bedroom furniture to make our bedroom look more like a bedroom, instead of just a really cheap storage facility.

Ta Ta!
Kylie "Furniture Cravin'" Bolling

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The desert is not a place for pansies...

Haha! look at me, two posts in two days!!! I'm proud of myself, what can I say?

Now prepare yourselves for the traumatic events of last night.......
I was outside enjoying the desert night sky, when I look to my right, and, lo and behold, there's a SCORPION next to me! Now for anyone that knows me, they know that I run in fright at the sight of anything with more than four legs (no exaggeration). So, in typical Kylie fashion, I run screaming into my house, lock and deadbolt my doors and windows (as if that's going to stop a raging scorpion from coming inside and eating my innards?) and proceed to spray a very unhealthy amount of bug spray everywhere around my house.

That's right folks, now if a bug tries to come within fifteen feet of my house, they will DIE INSTANTLY! (At least that's what the stupid spray can probably lied to me about.) Now that the bugs are gone, Brody (the dog) and I only have to deal with minor tremors and twitches from the slight brain damage we recieved from the bug spray. Isn't anything that causes cancer, or......cancer supposed to be banned in the great state of California? I guess they missed the cancer causing (but very effective!) bottle of Ortho-something that's sitting peacefully on my kitchen floor ready to be sprayed again at a moment's notice!

I feel slightly betrayed, because no one from Florida to California warned me about these mutant desert creatures that roam this state by night. I have yet to see a rattlesnake or a camel spider (shivers!!!), and if I don't see them, then they must not exist! At least I hope they don't. I guess we will see in the upcoming three years, when I finally get to return to my wonderful home state of Florida! (a.k.a. the land of the not-so-mutant-bugs).

Kylie "too terrified for words" Bolling

P.S. I haven't left the house at all today for fear of being eaten alive. It's 7:02 P.M. That is all.