Friday, September 24, 2010

Being a military wife...

In a word, being a military wife (especially a Marine wife) is hard. I have been a military dependent for my entire life, so I'm used to the man in my life being away. But since my daddy retired, I have completely forgotten how hard it is to move to a city where you know no one, find a job, and start a new life. I have always had trouble making friends, because I'm incredibly shy. Because of this, I don't talk to anyone. Most people take this as me being a snob. This is not the case. I literally get the shakes and goosebumps just thinking about going to a party or something where I know no one. (This is no joke.) I am seriously attempting to get involved within the base atmosphere. I am going to volunteer for Marine Corps Community Services (although this is simply because I cannot find a job ANYWHERE), and I am going to give it my best shot to come out of this duty station with some friend-ish type people.

Now, always being a military daughter, and not a wife, I never really had any need to make friends with the people on base. I had friends at school, church, etc. But it's totally different being a wife. Now I know how my mom felt. THIS SUCKS!

But on a brighter note....

We're moving to base housing! Darren is turning in his application to the housing office tomorrow, and it's a two to five month wait, but just thinking of all the money we will be saving makes it all soooo worth it. Not only that, but I will be surrounded by other military wives! I'm not a whole lot like other girls, what with me being a boy in a girls body and all (can you hear me snickering as I write that?), but I really hope I can get along with SOME of these girls. I have only had a handful of female friends in my whole life, but I figure that me being friends with other Marines, or men in general, would not look very good to the wives around me. Boo. I can relate so much better to men than women. Ah well. I'll get through it. It will get better when I get a job, or get enrolled in the college out here once I get my degree from Florida. December baby!!! When I finally have that Associates Degree, it will make me feel that much closer to actually getting my Bachelors (which is still  years away). But yea, anyways, its 1230 here, and this whole borderline-insomnia thing is just not working for me. Ta Ta for now!

Kylie "Loser-with-no-friends" Bolling Teehee my mother is going to love that one.

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