What do you expect me to do?!?!
How do you expect me to pay for college?? Because last time I checked you incompetent morons, it actually costs a lot of money to go to college. You preach to us that a college education is important for our future, then you complain and moan that I'm taking too much of your money!!! You spend 40 billion dollars on stupid crap, like fruit fly sex research, or watching a pig while she's pregnant, or universal health care, and you wonder why you have no money!!!!!
I need this money to get the college education you have been preaching to me all my life! Not the stupid fruit flies, or pregnant pigs, or Nancy Pelosi, or the stupid laws that you enact every single day! When will you people realize that pretty much the entire country thinks you guys suck! Every one of you is nothing more than an arrogant, egotistical, shallow, greedy, power-hungry, lying politician!
Every one of you!!!!!
I have come to my wits end listening to you people make fools of yourselves on public television, spending my very hard earned money, and my parent's, and my fiancee's, and the rest of America! I complained when Universal Health Care was passed, and the absolutely retarded Appropriations Bill, but I absolutely can not stand for you to have your disgusting hands in my college loans!!!
Get out of office and let America be the country it used to be before you morons took over!!!!
Kylie "What-is-this-country-coming-to" Moody
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