Monday, June 14, 2010

And a job huntin' we go

I haven't written in a couple days, but I still have no followers, so I guess that doesn't matter much. :) Maybe someone will find this blog and deem it interesting enough to keep up with what I'm doing.

Well I haven't done much to tell the truth...
I went job hunting again a couple days ago and filled out a TON of applications, but don't think it's been long enough for any fish to bite. And I filled out a bunch of paperwork with a temp agency like three weeks ago, but I still haven't heard anything. :( I really want to find one but since I don't technically have any formal education yet because I haven't graduated, the pickings are slim. The unemployment rate here in Nassau County is like 30 percent, or something ridiculous.

Darren and my parents are going to help me out if I can't find one, but I really want that to be a last case scenario. I understand we're getting married, but we're not yet, and I don't want him to feel obligated to do any of this.


The date for the justice of the peace is August 20th, but now we're discussing something earlier, like mid-July or something. I vote sooner :) I want to move out there! It sucks living three thousand miles away from the man you're going to marry. But we'll get there soon. No reason to worry, it does nothing but kill you :)

As for the big wedding, we have no official date yet, just a ball park estimate. Right now it's somewhere between November and December of next year. Which is kinda crappy because I'm afraid it's going to be cold. Does it even get cold in Beaufort, South Carolina? I hope not because Darren wants it outside. I'm excited, the wedding planning gives me something to do to keep me busy while he's in Afghanistan :(. Ugh that's what I get for marrying a marine. But I can't complain because I knew what I was getting myself into. It's just one of the downsides right now, or at least until this war ends.

Kylie "I hate this war...but would love to fight in it myself" Moody

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